At BT Practice Exam, we are here to help you in the best possible way as you move towards becoming a Registered Behavior Technician. We have provided comprehensive quality study materials with our RBT practice test and mock exam on our website to prepare you precisely for your RBT certification exam. Whether you are just starting off with your prep or fine-tuning the skills, we have everything you need to boost your confidence to pass it the very first time!

Free RBT Practice Exam
We have four complete RBT practice tests with challenging questions mirroring those of the official RBT certification test. Each test has full explanations so you can fully understand the concepts to help improve your performance. The free RBT practice questions focus on your strengths and help you correct wrong areas. Take a step today, begin with any of our RBT practice tests, and start studying immediately.
RBT Free Study Guide
Our free RBT study guide breaks down the key content areas into six easy-to-understand units. At the end of every unit, you will find a quiz to measure your knowledge and ensure you can master the topic. This guide will walk you through the core concepts of the RBT Task List, getting you fully prepared for the exam.
What to Expect on the RBT Exam
You are provided with your RBT exam as the final step in achieving your Registered Behavior Technician. You have to complete it after the training, which is supposed to take 40 hours. The test lasts 90 minutes, comprising 85 multiple-choice questions, 10 of which are unscored pilot items for research purposes on future tests, and only 75 are graded and counted.
The exam is divided into six major sections:
- Measurement – 12 questions
- Assessment – 6 questions
- Competence Building – 24 questions
- Behavior Reduction – 12 questions
- Documentation and Recording – 10 questions
- Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice – 11 questions
All these areas are covered in the BT Practice Exam, so you will be fully prepared for all aspects of the exam.
Get Ready for Your RBT Test Prep
Preparing for the RBT exam can be achieved with practice practice on mock exams and practice tests. It is available on our website for free and will help you get accustomed to the exam format, answer multiple-choice questions, and master the material. Enhance your skills using our RBT practice questions and study guides to increase your chances of easily succeeding.
Begin your RBT exam prep today with the BT Practice Exam and start down the road to a fulfilling career as a Registered Behavior Technician!